Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)

Lifestyle & Management

Managing COPD

You can breathe easier and keep your COPD from getting worse if you follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid smoke, second-hand smoke, and air pollution. Limit your time outdoors when air quality is poor.
  • Exercise regularly. Participate in pulmonary rehabilitation. Continue the exercises you learn once the program is done. This will improve your breathing.
  • Clear your airways. Drink plenty of water to keep the mucus in your airways thinner and easier to cough up. Consider using a humidifier in your home.
  • Prevent infections. Wash your hands frequently and avoid people who are sick.
  • Vaccinations. Get a flu shot every year and keep up to date on COVID vaccines. Ask your healthcare provider when you need the pneumococcal vaccination.
  • Eat a healthy diet of mostly whole grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. Avoid extra salt and highly-processed foods.
  • Take care of your mental health. Depression and anxiety are common in people with COPD. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have these problems.
  • S ee your healthcare professional regularly. Let your provider know if your symptoms are getting worse.

Sticking to these recommendations can help keep your disease stable for many years. 

Complications of COPD

Worsening of symptoms (flare-ups) 

COPD symptoms can stay the same for long periods. However, the condition may sometimes get much worse. During these flare-ups, a person can:

  • Be much more short of breath.
  • Produce much more mucus when coughing.
  • Get tired more easily. 

These symptoms may mean that airways are more inflamed and irritated. These flare-ups need treatment to prevent serious illness, lung damage, or failure. 

Flare-ups may be triggered by an infection from bacteria or a virus or caused by exposure to smoke or air pollution. 

Treatments for flare-ups can include:

  • Steroids to decrease inflammation.
  • Antibiotics to treat lung infections.
  • Supplemental oxygen.
  • Hospitalization when symptoms are severe.

Frequent respiratory infections

Your chances of getting frequent colds, flu, or pneumonia are much higher when you have COPD. 

Other complications

Many people in the later stages of COPD experience other symptoms, including:

  • Depression.
  • Fatigue.
  • Weight loss.
  • Heart disease, including heart attack.
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the blood vessels in the lungs).
  • Lung cancer.


Last Updated May 2023

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