Annual Giving
Every gift, no matter the amount, enables us to make an even bigger impact. Through the annual giving program, you can join AGS members and donors who support the Health in Aging Foundation each year. These tax-deductible gifts are some of the most meaningful we receive. They not only help move forward our mission and support our programs and initiatives, but also inspire others to give through upholding the spirit of service and leadership in the field of geriatrics.
Leadership Gift
An annual donation of $750 or more will be recognized as a Leadership Gift in our donor acknowledgements.
Giving Circles
The AGS Health in Aging Foundation Giving Circles recognize donors for a lifetime of giving. There are six levels of giving circles.

Lifetime of Caring Circle
$50,000 and above
Established in 2024, this circle recognizes the extraordinary commitment of AGS Health in Aging Foundation donors who have given $50,000 or more in their lifetime to advance the AGS mission of ensuring that we are all able to age with health, independence, and quality of life.
Legacy Circle
$30,000 - $49,999
Established in 2024, this circle recognizes donors who have made a lasting contribution to the work of the AGS Health in Aging Foundation through their steadfast commitment to supporting our work.
Geriatrics Champion Circle
$20,000 - $29,999
Established in 2024, this circle recognizes donors who champion the AGS Health in Aging Foundation’s mission of bringing the expertise of geriatrics to the public and ensuring that the next generation of health professionals across disciplines have opportunities to learn about the rewards of a career in geriatrics.
1942 Circle
$12,500 - $19,999
Formed in 2015 to commemorate the year that the American Geriatrics Society was founded, this circle recognizes donors who have made significant commitments to supporting the work of the Foundation.
Founders Circle
$7,500 - $12,499
This circle was formed in 2015 to honor the many individuals who came together to establish the American Geriatrics Society and to recognize donors who made multi-year pledges to the AGS Health in Aging Foundation in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the American Geriatrics Society.
Presidents Circle
$3,000 - $7,499
Established in 2015, this gift level pays tribute to individuals who have served as President of the American Geriatrics Society for their careful stewardship of the Society.