Drug and Substance Use Disorders

Lifestyle & Management

Some older people increase their substance use out of boredom. These older adults may drink alcohol more than before. Starting new hobbies and activities can reduce long hours of free time that can increase the risk of addictive behavior. 

Following a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help people remain as healthy as possible. The new energy and strength will increase the confidence and drive needed to overcome a substance use problem. 

Caregiver and Family Assistance

Sometimes family members or loved ones enable an older person to continue their substance misuse, without knowing it.

Joining a group for family and friends, such as Al-Anon, helps caregivers and family members to understand deal with a person’s substance misuse. These groups also are a support system for stressed caregivers, offering relief, new skills, and a chance to share experiences with people in similar situations.

A person can find these groups through community resources like local religious institutions, libraries, and organizations for older adults.


Last Updated May 2023

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