Prostate Diseases

Lifestyle & Management

Managing Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

A person with BPH can change their lifestyle to relieve symptoms and avoid surgery.

  • Limit fluids to about 2 liters or 2 quarts per day
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine (all bladder irritants)
  • Avoid drinking fluids after the evening meal
  • Try to urinate at least every 3 hours
  • Double void (after urinating, wait and try to urinate again to make sure your bladder is really empty)
  • Stay warm and try to exercise regularly
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines that can worsen symptoms
  • See if any medications (prescription and non-prescription) may be making your symptoms worse.
  • Perform pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegel exercises) to reduce urine leakage. Try to stop the flow of urine for 20 seconds while you are urinating. Repeat the same muscle contractions 5-15 times, three to five times daily
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in beta-carotene and vitamin C
  • Avoid high doses of zinc supplements, which can worsen BPH symptoms

Managing Prostatitis

Men with prostatitis often experience symptom relief with the following approaches:

  • Soaking in a warm bath (sitz bath)
  • Staying away from alcohol, caffeine, and acidic or spicy foods
  • Drinking enough fluids that don’t have caffeine
  • Sitting on a soft cushion or special inflated pillow to reduce pressure on the prostate
  • Stopping bicycling or using a soft, wide bicycle seat and padded shorts

Managing Prostate Cancer

A person can reduce their risk of prostate cancer if they:

  • Choose a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fats 
  • Exercise most days of the week
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage medications. Alpha reductase inhibitors may reduce the overall risk of having prostate cancer. However, men taking these medications may increase their risk of getting a more aggressive form of prostate cancer. Talk with a healthcare provider about this.

Having a diagnosis of prostate cancer can cause a range of feelings, including fear, anger, depression, and anxiety. Helpful ways of coping include:

  • Learning about cancer and treatment to understand what to expect. A healthcare provider can offer good sources of information.
  • Asking family and friends for support during and after treatment.
  • Connecting with other people who have cancer. They understand what it's like to face it.
  • Ask your healthcare provider about support groups in your area.
  • Eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, exercising most days of the week, and getting enough sleep each night.
  • Considering touching, holding, and other ways to continue sharing sexuality with your partner, if sexual problems happen.


Last Updated March 2023

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