
Care & Treatment

If a person has an aneurysm, the healthcare provider may watch it closely to see if it gets larger over time. This is called “watchful waiting”.

The healthcare provider will order ultrasounds every 3 to 12 months. The time period depends on the aneurysm’s size and location.

A very large aneurysm may need to be repaired immediately before it leaks or ruptures.


During watchful waiting, the healthcare provider may prescribe high blood pressure medications to help keep the aneurysm from growing larger.  The medications will decrease the force of blood flowing against artery walls. These drugs include those that help relax the blood vessels, such as:

  • Vasodilators
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers

The healthcare provider may also prescribe anticoagulants (“blood thinners") to help prevent blood clots from forming near the aneurysm.


Surgery may be needed to repair an aneurysm once it:

  • Reaches a certain size
  • Grows too rapidly
  • Presses on other important parts of body
  • Causes symptoms

Surgery involves removing the damaged part of the artery and replacing it with a synthetic (man-made) tube called a graft.  This can be done by open surgery, or by threading the graft through a small cut in the artery and fastening it in place at the site of the aneurysm. This is called endovascular surgery.

The type of surgery the healthcare provider recommends depends on:

  • The aneurysm’s location and size.
  • Other medical problems that may affect how well the person will do with surgery and any side effects that could happen during or after the surgery.

The healthcare provider can perform emergency surgery when an aneurysm ruptures, but the surgical risks are much higher and the survival rate is lower.


Last Updated February 2023

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