Pain Management

Diagnosis & Tests

A healthcare professional may find a reason for a person’s pain by doing tests. However, not all pain has a cause that the provider can find, especially if the pain is long-lasting. This does not mean that the pain is not real.

Pain Evaluation

The healthcare professional will do a pain evaluation that will include questions about:

  • Details about your pain
  • Your health history
  • Treatments used and their impact
  • All medications, herbal treatments, and supplements

You are the best source of information on your pain.

Other Assessments

The healthcare professional  needs to assess the source and severity of pain and its effects on your well-being. The provider may:

  • Use questionnaires or other methods to understand how the pain feels
  • Do a physical exam
  • Order medical tests if needed and explain their benefits
  • Evaluate the psychological impact of the pain

If a person has cognitive problems, healthcare professionals will watch for expressions, body movements, changes in activities or mental status.


Last Updated December 2022

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