
Lifestyle & Management

If you’re caring for someone with dementia, it’s essential that you get information, advice, and needed services. You can get help from your doctor and other healthcare providers, your local Alzheimer’s Association, and your local Area Agency on Aging. These groups offer different sets of services.

See a Geriatrics Healthcare Professional

  • It is helpful to see a geriatrician (doctor who specializes in the care of older adults) to help provide a care plan. They can also diagnose and manage other health problems, and help arrange services for the person and their family.
  • Geriatric specialists with training in psychology or psychiatry can help manage difficult behaviors, including agitation, psychosis, or violence. Specialists can also be helpful if people need counseling.

Other Professionals Can Help

  • A neurologist can help people who have Parkinson’s disease, abnormal neurological test results, or rapid worsening of their dementia.
  • Neuropsychologic consultations can help with people who have complex disease.
  • Social workers can offer counseling and contact with community resources.
  • Physical therapists can provide guidance on physical and group activities.
  • Occupational therapists can suggest approaches to increase the person’s ability to carry out daily activities, such as dressing or eating.
  • Nurses can help manage care for people with dementia, including dealing with difficult behaviors, feeding, and other types of care.
  • Pharmacists can review medicines to minimize their side effects and can offer practical advice on giving them to people with dementia.
  • Attorneys can help with wills and estate planning and paperwork that gives others directions about the type of health care you want in the future. Older adults with dementia should plan as early as possible for future disability and illness.

Managing Dementia

There are several strategies that can be used to manage common problems in dementia.


The Alzheimer’s Association confidential helpline is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. 

Caring for a person with dementia can be very difficult but rewarding. If you are a caregiver, you may need help too.

You need to understand dementia and its treatment. You need to take care of yourself and get help when you need it.

Use our Caregiver Health Self-Assessment Questionnaire to look at your own health and risks.

Joining a caregiver support group can help. So can getting a break from your responsibilities. Many community organizations can help.

Planning ahead

Eventually, you may have to put your loved one in a nursing home. You need to consider this early enough to make arrangements that work for both of you. Medicare generally doesn’t pay for this type of care. Medicaid often does pay, but only if the person with dementia has a low income and few financial assets. If you are married to a person with dementia, putting them in a nursing home can affect your finances if the person qualifies for Medicaid.


Last Updated February 2023

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