Peripheral Artery Disease

Diagnosis & Tests

Because many people have no symptoms, healthcare providers need to screen people who have risk factors for peripheral artery disease.

Healthcare providers can often diagnose peripheral artery disease based on symptoms and a physical exam. Providers may also order one or more of the tests below. 

Ankle-brachial Index

The ankle-brachial index compares the blood pressure at the ankle with the blood pressure in the arm. This test is sometimes done at rest and after walking on a treadmill.

Segmental Blood Pressure 

Blood pressure can also be measured and compared at different places on the legs (calf, lower thigh, upper thigh) to determine the location and severity of peripheral artery disease.


Several imaging tests can locate and measure narrowing in blood vessels.

  • A non-invasive ultrasound test uses sound waves to see the location and severity of the narrow blood vessels.
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance angiography are other ways of looking at blood vessels.
  • Arteriography, which is more invasive, requires a catheter in an artery (usually in the groin). Dye flows through the catheter into the arteries. Pictures of the arteries are taken using X-rays. This test may be needed when symptoms suddenly get worse or surgery is possible.

People get generally harmless levels of radiation during these tests.


Last Updated March 2023

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