
Lifestyle & Management

The following activities may help a person relax and worry less.

Yoga or Meditation 

Research shows that meditating or doing yoga on a regular basis can help a person feel less anxious. Programs are likely available at a local gym. Many gyms also offer membership discounts for older adults.

You also can find meditation and yoga videos, DVDs, and CDs at many libraries, bookstores, or online.


Regular exercise, especially something repetitive like walking or swimming laps, can help ease anxiety.

Make time for regular exercise and have a place you can exercise when the weather is bad.  For example, walking in shopping malls may be a good choice.

If you have any concerns about exercising, talk about them with your healthcare provider. 

Deep, Slow Breathing

When people are anxious, they tend to breathe shallowly or even hold their breath without realizing it. This makes them feel more anxious.

Instead, breathe slowly and deeply. Your ribcage should expand, or stick out each time you breathe in.

If you feel anxious, try to find a place where you can sit for a few minutes, close your eyes, and slowly breathe in and out deeply. There are also many CDs available that provide instructions on soothing relaxation and breathing.


Reducing caffeine or switching to decaffeinated drinks may help some people.

Natural Supplements

There are some natural supplements that have been suggested for treating anxiety, such as Valerian root, Kava root, chamomile tea, green tea, Ginkgo biloba, lavender, and lemon balm. Research on these supplements is mixed, with some having side effects and interactions with other medications.

Talk to your healthcare provider before you start taking any natural supplements for anxiety.

Last Updated February 2023

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