In 2019, the AGS Health in Aging Foundation established the Hurria Memorial Award for Emerging Investigators in Internal Medicine Who are Focused on the Care of Older Adults in honor of Arti Hurria, MD, a distinguished geriatrics oncologist and long-standing leader of efforts to integrate geriatrics into the internal medicine specialties. This award will recognize accomplishments of junior and mid-career clinician investigators in general internal medicine and the specialties of internal medicine whose research is focused on geriatrics aspects of their subspecialty and who are committed to a career in aging research.
One Hurria Memorial Award will be presented each year at the AGS Annual Scientific Meeting.
Click here for more information on eligibilty and application process.

Arti Hurria, MD, was a geriatrics oncologist who was one our country’s most passionate advocates for older adults with cancer. She was committed to improving the geriatrics competence of all physicians and health professionals and championed some of the American Geriatric Society's most influential programs connecting other specialists to geriatrics principles, and to the rewards of caring for older adults.
Dr. Hurria was Chair of the AGS Cancer and Aging Special Interest Group and the AGS Medical Specialties Section. She also lead the National Institute on Aging-supported conference series for the Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists' Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) program. Along with being a world-class researcher, she was an ardent champion for team-based, interprofessional care and for integrating geriatrics principles into education so that all patients and families could receive person-centered, high-quality care.
2023 Recipient: Anil N. Makam, MD, MAS
The Arti Hurria Memorial Award for Emerging Investigators in Internal Medicine Who are Focused on the Care of Older Adults recognizes the geriatrics-focused accomplishments of junior and mid-career clinician-investigators in general internal medicine and its specialties. The 2022 honoree is Anil N. Makam, MD, MAS, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine.
Dr. Makam completed his residency in Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern before his Primary Care Research Fellowship at UCSF. His research interest stemmed from a simple observation that while Dallas had many long-term acute care hospitals (LTACs), San Francisco had very few—yet he cared for similarly sick and frail hospitalized older adults in both places. With funding from an NIA GEMSSTAR grant (2016-2018) and an NIA K23 Career Development Award (2016-2021), Dr. Makam applies health services research and epidemiological methods using Medicare claims, electronic health records data, and prospective observational cohort data to examine predictors and variation in LTAC use, comparative effectiveness of the LTAC model of care versus alternative care settings, and patterns of recovery for older adults transferred to LTACs. Most recently, with funding from the Donaghue Foundation, he is leading a national, multicenter cohort to study recovery after the most severe and prolonged illness from COVID19 among older adults in LTACs.
Dr. Makam’s research has been published in leading medical journals, including the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine, Circulation, BMJ Quality & Safety, Journal of General Internal Medicine, and the Journal of Hospital Medicine. His work has been cited by the Institute of Medicine and Medicare Payment Advisory Commission reports, and has been featured in prominent news outlets, including The New York Times. He has received several research awards, including the New Investigator Award in 2018 from the American Geriatrics Society. He is Co-Director of Academic Development & Research for the Division of Hospital Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital. Nationally, he is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Hospital Medicine and consults for the Institute for Clinical Economic Review.
2022 Anil N. Makam, MD, MAS
2021 Megan Huisingh-Scheetz, MD
2020 Kah Poh Loh, MD
2020 Rasheeda K. Hall, MD
2019 Lauren Ferrante, MD, MHS
Our sincere thanks to those who made this award possible.
Karen Alexander |
Kevin High Holly M. Holmes Ula Hwang Robin Jump Alok Kapoor Keith Kaye Dae H. Kim Hillary D. Lum Jennifer Lund Nancy E. Lundebjerg Ronald John Maggiore Anil N. Makam Melissa Mattison Reena Mehra Brienne Miner Lona Mody Supriya Mohile Terrence Edward Murphy |
Gregory Michael Ouellet |
Current as of April 9, 2019